Friday 24 July 2009

Manifestation experiment

Here's a little experiment you might like to try for yourself. When it comes to the Law of Attraction and manifesting abundance, it might be easier to start with something small, like feathers or pennies.

First you align yourself with Source. I like to use the following affirmation found in Stop the Excuses: How to Change Lifelong Thoughts by Wayne W. Dyer:

'The creative and intelligent power manifests perfectly as the universe. I am a result of this power. I feel connected to it, and I know it will work with me in creating the life I desire.'

Make sure you truly feel connected to the Source before you proceed.

Then just picture what you want to manifest flowing towards you effortlessly. If you like, you can imagine a funnel of abundance above your head. See pennies or feathers, or whatever it is you desire, flowing towards you from all corners of the universe and going into the funnel above you.

Accept, acknowledge and give thanks for the abundance of pennies or feathers (or whatever you decided to experiment with) that is already yours, then go about your day with a sense of wonder - open to the endless possibilities of ways that the object you desired might manifest.

Lastly, bring yourself to be completely present in the now. Just as you know that the sun rises every morning, you can know and trust that the Law of Attraction is working without any effort on your behalf when you are aligned with Source.

Personally, I chose to try this experiment with feathers the other day, and the result can be seen in the picture above. Within a minute after activating the manifestation of more feathers, a large owl feather landed in front of my feet.

We happened to be at a fair ground where there was a large European Eagle Owl on display. I did not see him when I decided to manifest feathers, but he appeared almost immediately thereafter. Time seemed to stop as I beheld the large owl feather float to the ground only seconds after starting the manifestation experiment. Chance? In my universe there is no such thing as chance!

Not only did I manifest a feather for myself this way, but when my youngest daughter saw that I had been given a beautiful large owl feather, she decided to ask the owl keeper if she too could have one. Of course she could. The keeper had one tucked away that she handed to my daughter without hesitation.

Please let us know how you get on if you try this experiment!

Love & Light

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