Wednesday 4 March 2009

Crystal of the Month - Amethyst

Merry Meet!

This is our first blog post about crystals. We will focus on one crystal every month, in order to learn a bit about its healing properties as well as how it can be used in magick. We start with Amethyst since this crystal is related to the sign of Pisces, which we are in right now. Amethyst is also highly benefical to people born in the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Virgo.

Amethysts come in lots of different shades, ranging from a light lavender to a deep purple. They are also produced synthetically but as amethyst is quite a common crystal all over the globe, you don't need to worry about the amethyst you bought in your local metaphysical shop being a fake. It's the deep purple ones found in gold and silver jewellery that can be synthetic.

Amethyst is a wonderful healing crystal that aligns the energy centres (chakras) of the body and creates unity between spirit and matter. Amethyst is one of the few crystals that doesn't need cleansing, as it instantly transmutes negative energies into healing energies, and can therefore be used to cleanse other crystals. You could, for instance, place any crystal that feels a bit 'tired' on an amethyst cluster to cleanse and recharge it.

The main energy centres affected by the amethyst are the third eye (just above and between your eyebrows), the crown (top of your head) and the root chakra (base of the spine).

Placing an amethyst on the third eye increases intuition, and sleeping with an amethyst under your pillow (or wearing amethyst jewellry in bed) greatly augments dream recall. Just holding an amethyst in your hands during meditation eases the process and helps clear the mind. The amethyst raises the vibration of its bearer and shifts the mental focus to spiritual matters. It creates a sense of peace and oneness with the All-That-Is.

On the physical level, amehtyst is great for headaches and migraines. It also prevents inebriation and helps break addictive patterns. It's a great all around cell healer and regenerator as it helps the person working with the crystal vibration to see clearly what is out of alignment and thus creating the 'dis-ease' in the body. Amethyst is also an excellent blood purifier and is one of the main healing crystals for arthritis. It has a positive effect on the nervous system in general and on the brain in particular.

The numerological vibration of amethyst is 3.

Amethyst makes a wonderful elixir and is not toxic, so the crystal can be left to soak in water for as long as your intuition guides you. You can either drink the water straight away (don't forget to remove the crystal first!) or add some kind of preservative (brandy, vodka or vinegar are commonly used.) There are many different ways of making your crystal elixirs and there is plenty of information about this in crystal books and online. Just like when you choose crystals, choosing the method that works for you will simply be the one that 'feels right'.

Magickally, amethyst is the 'seer stone' and would be ideal to keep with your divination tools (tarot cards, pendulum, I-Ching coins etc) to cleanse and recharge them. Some even use the amethyst itself for scrying (crystal gazing). For this a 'dragon egg' shape would be ideal. The dragon egg has a polished 'window' on one side, and the seer gazes through this window.

There will be general information posted on how to work with crystals a bit later on, so watch this space!

Bright Blessings,

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