I usually do a 'card of the day' first thing in the morning, with either one of my tarot decks or my Medicine Cards. This card then serves as my meditation focus for the day.
You can easily incorporate a 'card of the day' meditative focus in your daily morning meditation.
Personally, I like to start by lighting a candle, as the candle represents all the elements and is said to draw angels near. You can also light some incense to further raise the vibration.
Sit comfortably and with your back straight, shoulders relaxed. Make sure that there is nothing to restrict your breathing. Take a couple of deep breaths and sigh deeply to let all the old, stale air out of your lungs.
Ground your energy, visualising roots going out from the soles of your feet on the out-breah, all the way into the core of the earth. On the in-breath, draw the red earth energy up into your body, all the way up through the top of the head. Just above the top of the head, the scintillating red earth energy meets the white light of spirit. Breathe this white light in, and on the out-breath send it all the way down through your feet and down into the core of the earth. You are now grounded and centred.
Shuffle the cards while asking God/dess, your spiritual Master and/or the angels for daily guidance. Pull the card you feel drawn to. Sometimes this is the top card and sometimes a card will jump out all by itself. Always pay extra attention to the 'jumpers' as the most definitely contain a message/lesson from spirit.
If you've got a book that goes with the deck and you feel like reading about the card you pulled, this makes a wonderful form of meditative study. If you prefer to work strictly based on what your intuition brings you while gazing on the card, then this works equally well.
Whichever way you choose to absorb the message, make sure you note your impressions and ideas down. You can keep a special Tarot journal for this, or you can use your Book of Shadows. Personally, I prefer to blog about my daily draw. If you don't feel like sharing your thoughts online, but still prefer typing to longhand writing, you can just create a Word document for your daily card reading and keep it safe in a folder. The advantage of keeping digital copies in a special folder is easy retrieval. Label each of your entries with the name of the card and the date of the reading.
Don't forget to give thanks for the insights you've received in your meditation. The best way to come back to reality if you've floated off on a psychic cloud during your meditation is to stand up and stamp your feet a few times.
Remind yourself of the archetypal energy you're working with throughout the day and keep your senses peeled to messages relating to the card.
Not only will this way of working with the cards help your personal/spiritual development, but you'll find that you bond with the cards on such a deep psychic level that eventually are able to produce brilliant intuitive readings for yourself and others.
Bright blessings,
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