Monday 30 March 2009


It's Wild Garlic season! These tender, juicy and garlicy leaves can be found pretty much everywhere in the British Isles this time of year. Get them now before they start flowering and the leaves get tougher.

Click HERE for information about the nutritional value of Wild Garlic. The main medicinal uses are the same as for ordinary garlic.

The bulbs can be eaten too, but please don't go digging them up in the wild as this will reduce next year's crop! If you plan on using bulbs for cooking or medicinal purposes, you need to grow your own stock.

Ilona and I went Wild Garlic foraging yesterday. She chopped some up and put in ice cube trays in her freezer for handy cooking portions to use in soups and stews etc. She also froze whole leaves for later use.

There are lots of different uses for these wonderful leaves. They can be used in salads and sandwiches, and as a pizza topping etc etc. I used all the ones I picked up in one go, as I wanted to try juicing them. It was absolutely delicious! Here's the recipe:

A few fist fulls of Wild Garlic leaves
1 small piece of ginger root
1 small red chili pepper
2 carrots
1 beetroot
1 red pepper
1/2 a cucumber
2 sellery stalks

I basically used what I had in the fridge. Experimenting with juicing this way can be really fun, and it's even more fun when you start foraging in nature's larder!

Bright blessings,

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